Saturday, November 13, 2010

Quilt again

Lol so I dont really think quilting is my thing, I cannot figure out how to sew they layers (top, batting and backing) tigether without getting wrinkles. I would love if anyone could give me some tips. This one is a bit better than the first I attempted but I dont like that my edges arent quite even and its a bit wavy. Thanks so much ahead of time.

Heres my pic.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So that quilt did not work out too good lol. I am going to attemot again and when I get it down right I will post some pics. :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

First Quilt

Today I had an itch to do something new. I decided to attempt once again a quilt. suprisingly with a pretty easy pattern it is going pretty well so far! Here are some pics...

I know it is not perfect by a long shot but I am pretty impressed with the outcome so far :)